Welcome to the ARNEIS Project!
The ARNEIS (short for A
utomated R
ecognizer, N
etwork - E
nabled, I
tem S
is the winner of the Popular Vote of the OpenCV Spatial AI Contest
sponsored by Intel® and Microsoft Azure.
This is ARNEIS
ARNEIS in a nutshell
ARNEIS aims at reproducing in scale a packaging machine for the Industry-4.0.
This goal is achieved by means of a combination of:
An OAK-D-Lite Spatial AI camera
A lot of LEGO® Technic parts
… and plenty of Open Source software
If you want to know some history about this project please watch the webinar we gave on 2022-03-17:
ARNEIS Project sources
The source files for the software programs, the LEGO® MOC as well as the documentation site are maintained in the GitHub repository at github.com/B-AROL-O/ARNEIS.
Whenever the main
branch of the git repository is updated, this site will be updated accordingly.
How to stay in touch
The ARNEIS project roadmap is maintained on GitHub.
Gianpaolo Macario publishes regular updates of the ARNEIS project on his personal blog.
You may also follow twitter.com/baroloteam to get notified about the progress of the project.
Please report bugs and feature requests on https://github.com/B-AROL-O/ARNEIS/issues, or DM the B-AROL-O Team on Twitter about security issues or other non-public topics.
Here you find reference information used in redaction of the this document, and, if you want, some useful links following the story of the project by social-media publication.
Learn more about the ARNEIS project architecture.
How-to Guides
These guides will help walk you through specific use cases the team has gone through during the project realization.
- For Embedded electronics enthusiast:
- For system integrators:
Here you find our collection of activities related to the development and construction of the ARNEIS LEGO MOC.
- The original set we use: